Creative Informatics Small Research Grants

Creative Informatics have funding calls open at the moment for Connected Innovators, Resident Entrepreneurs, and CI Small Research Grants. We are also looking at how best we can support the wider creative community at this time through the delivery of remote workshops and events.

Applications are open for Creative Informatics Small Research Grants of up to £5,000, aimed at early career researchers based at the University of Edinburgh or Edinburgh Napier University, who want to explore innovative uses or applications of data in creative and cultural sectors. Full information on the scope of this call can be found in the CI Small Research Grants Information Document and on the Creative Informatics website.

Applications are open now and close at 5pm on Thursday the 16th of April, find out more and apply now!

Resident Entrepreneurs If you are an individual or a small team in Edinburgh or South East Scotland that would like to develop a new product or service using data or data-driven technology, you can apply for funding of up to £12,000 to support your work.

Applications are open now and close on Monday the 27th of April, find out more and apply now! Connected Innovators Connected Innovators supports emerging leaders from within the creative industries who want to take time out to conduct research and development that will enable them to advance their own careers and/or business. If you are looking to develop a specific area of your creative practice or business using data or data-driven technology, you can apply for funding of up to £10,000 to support your work.

Connected Innovators is delivered by Creative Edinburgh who will be running online workshops on Shaping Your Idea and Writing a Funding Application, for individuals interested in applying to be a Connected Innovator. Workshops will be followed by a Digital Drop In, where you can sign up for 10 minute one-to-ones to discuss specific areas of your idea.

Applications are open until Monday the 25th of May, find out more and apply now!