Filming and Photography Requests within the Bayes Centre Building

The Bayes Centre building is one of the University of Edinburgh's most modern and innovative buildings and receives regular requests to be used for filming and photography. This guide will help you determine if we will be able to accommodate your request.

The Bayes Centre building is an award winning architectural space and we receive regular requests to host filming and photography to take place within the building. This page is intended to help you determine if your request can be accommodated and guide you to making an application.  

Available space for filming and photography

The Bayes Centre building is designed as an open plan space, with residents working in areas all around the building. Residents have the expectation of privacy while they work and so we are generally unable to offer space in the atrium or open plan areas for filming and photography. It may be possible to use these spaces outside of core working hours, or in exceptional circumstances, but this would be considered on a case by case basis and this filming or photography would be overseen by the Marketing and Communications team. 

For the safety of all occupants, filming and photography cannot take place in areas where it will block staircases or exits. 

Space for filming or photography can be booked in five of the Bayes Centre meeting rooms and G.03. 

We are also able to allow filming and photography to take place on level 2 , in the open plan seating area at the front of the building. This must be booked in advance.


Filming and photography requests

Members, partners and co-located groups

Members and Partners are welcome to use the meeting rooms, G.03 and designated filming and photography space on the second floor - this should be booked using the procedures noted below. 

Members and Partners who have their own working areas are welcome to film and take photographs within these offices and areas, so long as they are not disturbing other nearby occupants. They should still follow the below procedures. 

Bayes Centre Stakeholders

We are happy to work with Bayes Centre stakeholders to facilitate filming and photography, where possible. The below procedure must still be followed.

Stakeholders may include internal University of Edinburgh, accelerator cohort members or bodies that work closely with the Bayes Centre. 


Requests for VIP filming should be sent directly to

External Bodies and organisations

Filming and photography requests within the Bayes Centre from external organisations may be considered, but we are unable to offer this as a matter of course. You are welcome to contact us using the process noted below, if you wish to discuss whether it is possible to accommodate your request. 


Filming and photography request process

We require a minimum of 10 working days' notice for filming and photography. Where the request will involve out of hours working (outside Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) we require a minimum of 15 working days' notice. 

Please submit a filming or photography request form via the link at the bottom of this page; and we will aim to reply within 72 hours to confirm if this filming or photography is able to go ahead. Please note that until written confirmation has been received you should not progress plans. 

Filming must be overseen on the day by a member of the Bayes Events team or Marketing and Communications team. They will ensure that filming is completed safely and in line with Bayes Centre expectations. 

Before filming or photography a risk assessment must be completed and returned to at least 5 days prior to the filming or photography date. Where a sufficient Risk Assessment has not been received, filming or photography cannot proceed. 

A fee may be levied for filming or photography, especially where access is required out of hours, or requires extra resource to accommodate.


Submit a filming/photography request