CI Labs #14: Games Go Guerilla

The UK videogames sector has far more to offer than Grand Theft Auto and Minecraft. Behind the well-known major studios, a growing number of independent developers, creators and practitioners, are taking games in entirely different directions, using data in innovative new ways and creating unique experiences.

CI Lab 14 will be broadcasting live from CodeBase in Edinburgh with a mix of live and remote presentations and discussions. We'll be hearing from some fantastic independent developers, designers and composers, creating new gaming experiences that include exploring a fictional Islamic country under an occupying force, an LGBTQ+ dating game - for the undead, and a therapeutic game for children with Cystic Fibrosis.

Whether you are a die-hard gamer, or have never picked up a joypad, join us to find out more about the opportunities being created across the creative industries, as we look towards a more interactive future.

CI Lab 14 is part of Beyond Conference 2020, an annual gathering of current and future innovators focused on Research and Development across the Creative Industries.