Privacy and data protection: practical tips for UK businesses going into 2021


  1. Brexit and cross-border transfers - how do things now stand, shortly in advance of 1st January 2021? How can you protect your business?

  2. Enforcement trends - what can we expect from the UK authority (ICO) in 2021, based on recent data breach fines, new sentencing guidelines and current topics of interest? How can you address these risks?

  3. Building a sustainable culture of Privacy by Design - what is it, how can it help? We’ll touch on proactive privacy risk management and frameworks

This will be a succinct (30 min) event held by Zoom - though feel free to stay on for Q&A

The panellists:

  • Morgan O'Neill specialises in this area at the major Scottish law firm, Thorntons Law

  • Paul McCormack is a solicitor and founder of Kormoon, a privacy law technology company

Graeme Johnston of Juralio will facilitate the discussion.


Request an invitation and zoom link now.