Bayes Centre’s DSTI programmes

How Drish Mali pivoted into machine learning engineering

Drish Mali
Drish Mali

Drish Mali had no idea that the field of data science and artificial intelligence could be so deep, diverse, and exciting.

Though Mali always had an interest in machine learning, it wasn’t until the height of the pandemic that he decided to search online for master’s programmes that could help him pivot from his computer science roots to the field of AI.

What he found was the MSc Data Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI) online learning postgraduate programme, a flexible and modular option that suited him perfectly.

As he researched more into the DSTI programme and discovered the stellar reputation of the University of Edinburgh, he grew even more confident that this was the right option for him. As a Lecturer in Computer Science in Kathmandu, Nepal—where he has lived his whole life—Mali was eager to enter the world of data science, with the ability to continue working full-time and living in Nepal.

I think this is the best option I found. It’s a perfect solution. As a flexible degree, I can choose what to study and when to study. My work and education can go hand-in-hand. The reputation of this prestigious university has also helped me a lot,

said Mali.


Mali has since been awarded the Edinburgh Global Online Learning Masters Scholarship, which covers full tuition fees for his Masters degree.

These days, Mali has completely shifted industries and works as a Machine Learning Engineer at Fusemachines, an AI start-up founded by Sameer Maskey, Ph.D., an Adjunct Associate Professor at Columbia University.

I plan to continue and adapt to the massive field of AI and data science, and hopefully, be able to help someone with some aspect of their lives through machine learning techniques,

said Mali.

In his second year of the programme, Mali’s sights are set on finishing his master’s programme in the next couple of years and he wishes to someday establish a Computer Science Research Centre in Nepal as a means of giving back to his country.

Mali also plans to continue spreading the word about the opportunities that the University of Edinburgh’s DSTI programme has brought to those who need a flexible, online option for completing their postgraduate degrees.


I want people in Nepal to know the opportunities that the University of Edinburgh is bringing us.

Drish Mali