Partner Event - Day Workshop on Diagrammatic Methods

About this Event

In the morning Huawei are pleased to welcome three guest speakers.

Room G.03 Bayes Centre:

9.00 Aleks Kissinger (University of Oxford). Picturing quantum software

10.00 Fabio Zanassi (University College London). A string diagrammatic theory of gradient-based Learning

11.00 Jamie Vicary  (University of Cambrid

ge). Tba


In the afternoon, there will be the following talks by members of the Huawei Programming Languages team as well as time for discussion:

Bayes Centre floor 4:

14.00 Dan Ghica (Huawei). The role of graphical methods in programming languages.

14.30 Mario Alvarez Picallo (Huawei). Reverse automatic differentiation using string diagrams.

15.00 Malin Altenmuller (University of Strathclyde and Huawei). Control flow as a contour of data flow.