Bayes Centre News: The Bayes Centre Welcomes Sylvera as Newest Member

The Bayes Centre is pleased to welcome Sylvera, a carbon data provider that helps organisations ensure they're making the most effective investments toward net zero, to our roster of members.

Net zero is massive plan for solving climate change - the only plan. Much of the world recognises the importance of meeting net zero by 2050. This depends on decarbonisation efforts, but not all industries and companies can eliminate their emissions fully – they need carbon credits to fulfil the ‘net’ in net zero.


Purchasing carbon credits, which fund projects around the world like protecting rainforests from deforestation or providing clean cooking stoves, is one of the most established and scalable ways to channel finance to effective climate outcomes.

But, investors need robust, unconflicted information and accurate impact assessment of these carbon credits in order to ensure that their climate impact is real. That’s where Sylvera comes in.

Sylvera is a carbon data provider on a mission to incentivise investment into real climate action.

Global firms, ranging from Salesforce and Cargill to Bain & Co. and the Singaporean government, rely on Sylvera to invest in carbon credits and confidently report on their impact.

Founded in 2020 by Dr. Allister Furey and Samuel Gill, Sylvera’s data and insights ensure funding is going to the projects, companies, and countries having maximum climate impact to get the world on track for net zero. Headquartered in London, with operations in Belgrade, New York, and most recently Singapore, their team of 150+ employees build the latest technology to automate the evaluation of carbon projects that capture, remove, or avoid emissions.

At the moment, the pace of action and investment lags far behind what is required. This uncertainty has prevented companies from taking the critical and timely actions and investments needed to mitigate climate change. But, in time, better data, along with better standards and regulations, will create incentives that will increase investment and the pace of action.

From higher share prices for corporations taking climate action to cheaper borrowing for governments on track for their net zero goals – this economic transition can’t happen without data to underpin decisions. Sylvera will continue to provide the data that makes it easy to direct investment toward the most impactful climate solutions.

To date, the company has raised over $96 million from investors such as Balderton Capital, Index Ventures, Insight Partners, LocalGlobe, and Salesforce Ventures. With a number of University of Edinburgh graduates in key positions at Sylvera, they are excited to be a Bayes Centre Member in 2024 and continue to develop new data and technology that drives net zero progress. Joining the Bayes Centre’s community, renowned for its expertise in artificial intelligence, will help further Sylvera’s work to apply earth observation and machine learning to evaluate projects on the carbon market and improve overall carbon measurement at scale.

Please join us in welcoming Sylvera to the Bayes Centre.

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Sylvera Carbon Data