[04/12/23] Bayes Centre Community Profile: Central Asia Creative Hub

Bayes Centre community member, the Central Asia Creative Hub (CACH), is an online networking platform connecting diverse artists, businesses, and practitioners passionate about promoting Central Asia's rich heritage. The platform aims to foster cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, and bring the region's cultural diversity to Scotland's creative festivals and beyond.

About CACH

The inspiration for CACH stemmed from the observation that Central Asian countries remain underrepresented in Edinburgh's cultural sphere. After moving to Edinburgh from Kazakhstan's capital, Astana, CACH founder Bibigul Makazhanova was deeply driven to rectify the absence of Central Asian cultural representation in the global cultural arena.

This ambitious project found a welcoming environment within Scotland's thriving creative community, known for its strong commitment to fostering diversity and inclusivity. In today's increasingly globalized world, where cultural heritage is at risk of fading away, it's more crucial than ever to preserve and promote the unique cultural identity of Central Asia. The project's primary goal is to bridge the gap between Central Asian artists and Edinburgh's vibrant cultural scene, facilitating cross-cultural interactions and showcasing the remarkable talents of this region, as well as collaborating on projects that celebrate Central Asian culture.


Their primary focus is to create a tailored online networking platform and digital guide for Central Asian artists, encouraging their participation in Edinburgh's festivals. Their target audience consists of diverse cultural practitioners who are deeply committed to promoting Central Asian culture. Next, they aim to offer a wide range of resources, including online events, workshops, and exhibitions, to facilitate cross-cultural exchange and understanding.

The Journey

The CACH is a relatively young project, having been operational for less than a year. Despite its relatively short existence, it has already gained recognition and was named a Finalist for Creative Edinburgh's The Inclusion Award.

At this stage, they are primarily focused on formulating and implementing their plans for the future.

Being a member of the Bayes Centre and having access to the University of Edinburgh's facilities has been a remarkable privilege. We foresee this support playing a pivotal role in driving CACH's development, further establishing it as a prominent and valuable contributor to Edinburgh's creative landscape.

CACH Founder  Bibigul Makazhanova

The next few years hold exciting opportunities for their growth and influence in the creative scene.

In their journey, they are encountering challenges typical of any new initiative. Securing initial funding and resources, building a dedicated team, and establishing partnerships are significant hurdles. To overcome these challenges, they will actively seek grant opportunities, foster collaborations, and gradually expand their network.

Look for Opportunities 

Bibigul Makazhanova's advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to seek opportunities regardless of life stage or personal circumstances.

Entrepreneurship is unpredictable, success isn't guaranteed, but embracing the journey's beauty, persisting through challenges, and taking the first step toward entrepreneurial dreams are key.

CACH Founder  Bibigul Makazhanova

Basing CACH in the Bayes Centre


After a successful application for the Inclusive Innovation Working Space Fund by Creative Informatics,  CACH's founder had the opportunity to choose among three working spaces in Edinburgh, and ultimately decided on the Bayes Centre.

This choice has been rewarding. I was delighted to find a perfect place to start my journey into AI, data-driven innovations in the creative industry, and related fields like festivals. I'm eager to explore innovative ways, like using VR technologies, to enrich the cultural representation of Central Asia.

The Bayes Centre captivated me with its forward-thinking ethos and the inspiring community it houses. It's unquestionably an ideal place to be for developing projects aimed at addressing challenges and driving innovation.

CACH Founder Bibigul Makazhanova


Bibigul Makazhanova explains why being part of a tech eco-system in the Bayes Centre is important for CACH:


While my project primarily operates within the creative industry, I've come to appreciate the invaluable synergy that exists within the tech ecosystem at the Bayes Centre. In today's interconnected world, technology invariably plays a role in almost all projects. Here, I find the power to shape and enhance my creative endeavours through technology. It's the perfect environment for fostering innovation and expanding the horizons of my project.

Bibigul Makazhanova

The CACH is open to collaborations and research opportunities. They welcome tech initiatives to experiment with immersive experiences and AI for the purpose of conducting cultural events. Visit their website to find out more.