Researcher Realities: Research Valorisation

Join the Institute for Academic Development on 23 May for their on-campus event on Research Valorisation at the Bayes Centre. The event is free and open to University of Edinburgh staff.

Researchers from across the University will come together to share their experiences and lessons learned at 3 90-minute panel sessions on the complexities of doing research. Please see the full programme with speaker details and booking links. 

On-campus session on Research Valorsiation at the Bayes Centre

  • 23 May 2024 | 14:00-15:30, followed by tea/ coffee

 Chaired by Claire Pembleton from Edinburgh Innovations, colleagues Glaire Anderson, Marcus Price and Tom Wishart come together to share their journeys to commercialisation activities and lessons learned on what has helped and hindered them along the way.  


The event is free and open to University of Edinburgh staff.