Design Informatics Webinar - Mike Phillips, Plymouth

Quorum comprises research in the design, development and application of software and hardware that augments, evaluates and increases public engagement of cultural experiences and new understandings of cultural value.

The deficit in meaningful methods and tools for data collection across the cultural sector, combined with the sectors limited acceptance of digital processes provoked a research initiative to explore the challenges associated with measuring ‘instrumental’ as opposed to ‘intrinsic’ value, this also exposed the ‘divide’ between the motivations and requirements of the funder and the funded and highlighted an ‘innovation problem’ across the cultural sector in respect of technology adoption.

The digital tools (digital prototyping, developing networked devices, apps and the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) and participatory design approach developed through this research enabled us to develop a series of collaborations with organisations and communities of varying scale to create technological and methodological solutions that better fitted their unique ecologies and audiences, but also to generate new digital and data driven experiences, effectively turning the measuring of things into a form of creative participation.


Mike Phillips is Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts at University of Plymouth and the Director of Research at His R&D orbits a portfolio of projects that explore the ubiquity of data ‘harvested’ from an instrumentalised world and its potential as a material for revealing things that lie outside our normal frames of reference – things so far away, so close, so massive, so small and so ad infinitum.


Instagram: @mikedotphillips


Running Order

16.00 – Welcome by Chris Speed

16.05 – Talk by Mike Phillips

16.50 – Q&A

17.00 – End

* Please note that this webinar will be recorded*