Partner News: UK artificial intelligence sectoral analysis survey - now open to AI businesses

The UK Government is undertaking research to understand the UK’s artificial intelligence sector and how it is growing. The research will inform government policy on artificial intelligence.



Ipsos has been commissioned to carry out the survey fieldwork, which is now open online and only takes around 15 minutes.

Taking part is voluntary and fully confidential for all individuals and organisations. The survey is not trying to sell you anything.


Who is invited to take part in the survey?

The survey is for someone with an overview of your business’ products or services, and your AI business growth plans. This might be your CEO, CTO, a company director, or a senior member within an AI or data science team.


Go to GOV.UK for more information and to participate in the survey


If you have any questions about the survey you can email Ipsos 

Related Links:

UK artificial intelligence sectoral analysis survey - GOV.UK (