Bayes Centre Event: Entrepreneurship: Unlocking Research Impact at the School of Chemistry

About the event

Join us for a fireside chat with Dr Chris Coxon, Senior Lecturer in the School of Chemistry and Co-founder of PepMoTec. This event is open to postgraduate students, post docs and early career researchers.

Please join us to hear about the opportunities for postgraduate students and early career researchers to explore entrepreneurship as a route to creating impact from research.

We will hear from Dr Chris Coxon, Founder of PepMoTec and Senior Lecturer in the School of Chemistry, who will share his experience of commercialising science-based ideas.

Finally, learn how the Bayes Centre Innovation pipeline and Edinburgh Innovations can help postgraduate students, in particular PhDs, and staff explore the commercial potential of science- and tech-based ideas.

Afterwards, there will be the chance to continue the conversation over pizza outside the lecture theatre.

Register here.