Bayes Centre News: Bayes Centre welcomes a delegation from 10 companies as part of Canada Space Mission

The Bayes Centre was pleased to host a delegation from 10 companies as part of Canada Space Mission.

The companies visited the Bayes Centre on Friday 11th of March and were on a space trade mission to the UK with the final stop in Edinburgh to learn more about the booming Scottish space ecosystem and find out about the data science capabilities at the University of Edinburgh. 

The companies attending were impressed with the vast and very well connected space sector in Scotland, hearing from colleagues in Scottish Development International and Scottish Enterprise. The event enabled the Space Innovation Hub team to share their exciting plans to become the Space Data Capital of Europe and showcase the University’s end-to-end space capability.

Canada Space Mission


Discussions started about collaborating closer with colleagues in Canada and the expectation is to start some exciting projects in the near future.

The Canadian delegation who visited included:

  • Alpha Insights - Neil Allyn, Co-Founder & Vice President of Project Management
  • Auracle Geospatial Science - David McLelland, CEO
  • Auracle Geospatial Science - Julie McLelland
  • C-COM Satellite Systems - Leslie Klein, President & CEO
  • Lux Aerobot - Vincent Lachance, CEO & Co-Founder
  • Lux Aerobot - Katrina Albert
  • Mission Control Space Services - Ewan Reid, President & CEO
  • Orbital Research - Ian McEachern, President & CEO
  • QSTC -Gurvinder Chohan, Founder & CEO
  • Reaction Dynamics - Simon Evetts
  • DIT - Naia Park, Los Angeles
  • DIT - Ray Enone, Montreal
  • UK Space Agency - Gracie Laurence

During the visit, the companies took a tour of the Bayes Centre and the Space Innovation Hub. The visit included a company showcase which involved short pitches.