Partner event: Mini Workshop About Foundations of Programming Languages

About the Event

For the Coffee House Tech Talk Series,  Huawei is organising a mini-workshop, in person and online, about foundations of programming languages. There are no registration fees. The details of the program and talks are below. A lunch will be provided between the talks, and a coffee break will be provided before and after the talks.


- 10:00-11:00. Coffee and networking.

- 11:00-11:45. Ugo Dal Lago:  From Equivalences to Metrics, Effectfully.

- 11:45-12:30. Alexys Ghyselen: On Reinforcement Learning, Effect Handlers, and the State Monad.

- 12:30-13:30. Lunch.

- 13:30-14:15. Beniamino Accattoli: Reasonable Space and the Lambda Calculus.

- 14:15-16:00. Coffee.


 From Equivalences to Metrics, Effectfully

Speaker bio: Ugo Dal Lago has been a faculty member of the Computer Science Lab at the University of Bologna since 2006. Before that, he spent a few years as a postdoc between Verona and Paris. His main research interests are the theory of programming languages, quantum computing, and implicit computational complexity. Currently, he is the principal investigator of the ERC CoG project "Differential Program Semantics", and he is a member of the INRIA EPI “FoCUS”. 

He co-authored more than 100 publications which appeared in journals and conference proceedings. He is the winner of the prize for the best italian doctoral thesis in theoretical computer science (2006), of the Kleene Award (2006) and of the prize for the best young researcher in theoretical computer science (2015).

On Reinforcement Learning, Effect Handlers, and the State Monad

Speaker bio: Alexis Ghyselen is a post-doc within the DIAPASoN project since October 2021. He obtained his PhD at ENS Lyon (France), on type-directed complexity analysis in probabilistic functional languages and parallel languages. Overall, he is mainly interested in types, logic and programming languages.

Reasonable Space and the Lambda Calculus

Speaker bio: Beniamino Accattoli obtained his PhD at 'La Sapienza' University in Rome (Italy) in 2011, and he is now researcher at Inria & Ecole Polytechnique (France). His work is about the foundation of functional programming languages and proof assistants, using a combination of tools from logic, rewriting theory, and complexity theory. His most relevant contribution, in collaboration with Ugo Dal Lago, is that the lambda calculus can be used as a reasonable model for computational complexity.