AI and data science in the age of COVID-19

This one-day conference will explore the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event will be for researchers and policy makers to share best practice and work together to understand how the UK AI and data science research community can be better positioned to respond to major crises in the future.

This is an opportunity to hear from some of the country's leading voices in the UK's response to COVID-19 and ask the questions at the forefront of everyone's minds. The conference will include keynote talks suitable for a general audience and some more technical talks suitable for an academic audience. 

Following this event, a series of workshops will take place exploring the role of AI and data science during the pandemic and priorities for future research. The findings will be published in a report in early 2021.

This work is supported by researchers of the Wave 1 UKRI Strategic Priorities Fund under the EPSRC Grant EP/T001569/1, particularly the “Health” theme within that grant and The Alan Turing Institute.