[12/03/24] Partner Event - Creative Informatics: Catalysing Edinburgh’s Creative Community to Innovate with Data

About the event


Creative Informatics is one of the UK’s Creative Industries Clusters, which has seen major government investment into creative activity across 9 cities in the UK, to support innovation, and the development of new products and services. In Edinburgh, Creative Informatics’ activities have focused on building links between the tech startup scene, and the world-leading performance and arts communities. How do you support creatives to become data literate, and to bring their ideas to market? How best can a university “scaffold” innovation activities, and support a diverse cohort? Why should we care about technology innovation in the creative sector? In this talk, which comes at the close of the 6 year, £10m UKRI investment in Creative Informatics, Terras details how a compact unit in the University of Edinburgh supported 350 data-led R&D projects across the city and its regions, leading to 47 new spin outs and start ups, 445 new and safeguarded jobs, and a GVA of £53.2m for the local economy (£26m from 2019-2023; £27.2m projected 2023-26).

Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 99169365

Passcode: 893392

Speaker Bio:

Professor Melissa Terras is Director of Creative Informatics, the Edinburgh based AHRC Creative Cluster (2018-2024), and a founding Director of Transkribus, the AI-powered platform for text recognition of historical documents. She is the University of Edinburgh lead for CoSTAR (UK Government’s Convergent Screen Technologies and performance in Realtime) programme (2023-29). Based in Design Informatics, Terras is interested in the digitisation of cultural heritage, and supporting innovation in the creative industries.