Exploring Artificial Intelligence - Market Opportunities for SMEs and Start-ups in Germany and Scotland

The event will begin with an introduction to the Scottish and German markets, followed by a look into the future by Professor Rovatsos. We then explore AI best practices: Scottish and German companies highlight the latest applications of AI to combat climate change. The webinar concludes with a Q&A session. Provide us with your questions in advance or interact with us during the webinar using the chat function.



Rob Scheid, Director of Germany Trade & Invest's London Office



Katharina Kraehahn, Senior Executive, Scottish Development International

Asha-Maria Sharma, Deputy Director for Digital and Service Industries, Germany Trade & Invest

David Ferguson, Cyber & AI Development Lead, ScotlandIS

Daniel Abbou, Managing Director, German Artificial Intelligence Association (KI Bundesverband)

Prof. Michael Rovatsos, Director of the Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh, Company representatives from Topolytics, Space Intelligence and UnetiQ


Webinar participation is free of charge – only registration is required. You will automatically receive a link to a recording of the webinar if you have registered but are unable to attend.


Do you have any questions that you would like our webinar speakers to answer? Please let include this when registering,