Bayes Centre News: The Bayes Centre Launches New Forum Series

The Bayes Centre is launching a curated series of talks, selected to highlight some of its most exciting projects.

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The Bayes Centre is delighted to announce the launch of its new series of curated talks, focussing on some of its most exciting projects. 

Starting on the 19th May 2021, the first forum will explore the work done by the Bayes Centre across three key areas, education, entrepreneurship and the Bayes Centre's Investor Readiness Programme, EIE2021. 

The Bayes Centre is the University of Edinburgh's innovation hub for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. The Bayes Centre offers a new kind of collaborative, multidisciplinary proving ground where we develop innovative technological solutions for the benefit of society. We have a community of over four hundred internationally recognised scientists, outstanding PhD students, leading industry experts and innovation support professionals, working together across disciplines and sectors to advance data technology and apply it to real-world problems.

Register for a free ticket here


Each Bayes Centre forum will feature speakers who will highlight areas of work done by the Bayes Centre in collaboration with colleagues across the University of Edinburgh. 


Data Driven Entrepreneurship & Education – Online Training for PhD Students 

Teresa Ironside

Teresa Ironside, MBA, Director of Data Science Education

Working within University of Edinburgh for nearly 14 years, after moving to Scotland from Canada, Teresa has progressed through a variety of administrative and management roles in research centres and student services. In her current role, she has strategic oversight for the Talent Development remit and delivery plans within the Bayes Centre, as part of the Data Driven Innovation (DDI) programme. She leads on collaborative data science training initiatives within CSE, working across the University with Schools and DDI Hubs as well as affiliated partners.

Data Driven Entrepreneurship – the Journey


Charlotte Waugh, Enterprise and Innovation Programme Lead, Edinburgh Innovations

Charlotte is Enterprise and Innovation Lead for Edinburgh Innovations with a focus on working with the University of Edinburgh’s Data Driven Innovation Hubs to create, develop and deliver innovation programmes and activities that meet DDI and University outputs and ambitions for entrepreneurship now and in the future. Charlotte currently leads the new DDE Beacon Programme, working with DDI Hub leads and Edinburgh Innovations on 11 current activities. Prior to joining EI Charlotte was AI & Blockchain Accelerator Manager for Wayra Telefonica in partnership with the Bayes Centre, supporting 30 digital/data focussed start-up/scale up companies. Charlotte also spent seven years with the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation, latterly as Head of Innovation, leading several ground breaking Climate Change innovation programmes. Enterprise and Innovation Programme

Data Driven Investor Readiness Programme EIE2021

Steve ewing

Dr Steve Ewing, Director of Entrepreneurship, Bayes Centre

Steve is Director of Entrepreneurship at the Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh. Prior to this he helped shape and develop the strategic alliances between corporates and the School of Informatics robotics institute and two successful EPSRC funding bids for a new robotics facility and Centre for Doctoral Training. Steve’s corporate experience immediately prior to this was as biotechnology and pharmaceuticals equities analyst for Deutsche Bank AG and WestLB Panmure in the City of London.


The Bayes Forums are an open invitation to colleagues across the University of Edinburgh, students, partners, stakeholders and anyone with an interest in the work of the Bayes Centre. 



12:15 – Welcome – Prof Michael Rovatsos

12:20 – Data Driven Education – Online Training for PhD Students  Teresa Ironside

12:35 – Data Driven Entrepreneurship – the Journey – Charlotte Waugh

12:50 – Data Driven Investor Readiness Programme EIE2021 – Steve Ewing

13:05 – Q&A

13:15 – Vote of thanks and close


Register for a free ticket here



The Bayes Centre Education

The Venture Builder

EIE 2021