Bayes Mozilla Global PhD Scholarships

The Bayes Centre and the School of Informatics are offering two scholarships for overseas (non-EU/UK) PhD students which we are able to provide due to generous support of the Mozilla Foundation as part of its efforts to making the internet a better place.

Mozilla logo

These awards are available for study beginning in September 2020 and cover the difference between the tuition fee for a UK/EU PhD student and that chargeable to overseas PhD student.

The awards can be combined with funding for PhD study in one of the Centres for Doctoral Training at Informatics in Natural Language Processing, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, and Biomedical AI, or other sources of funding at the School or Informatics.

The purpose of these scholarships is to promote research that is relevant to Mozilla’s priorities at Edinburgh, while also supporting PhD projects that involve industrial collaboration and entrepreneurship opportunities facilitated by the Bayes Centre.

Strong candidates will have a background and research interests in areas that are suitable for engaging with non-academic partners to generate outcomes relevant to real-world problems, or an interest in commercialising their research and commitment to exploring entrepreneurship opportunities as part of their PhD study.

Where possible, successful applicants will be given opportunities to strengthen the University’s collaboration with the Mozilla Foundation.


Related links

For further details on this Scholarship plus other funding opportunities at the Bayes Centre click here.

Mozilla Foundation

For further enquiries, please contact