The changing landscape of tech investing

In a month where we are focusing on female entrepreneurs we are delighted to welcome Jacqueline de Rojas CBE, President of techUK. Jacqueline is a highly regarded leader in technology in the UK, with a passion for championing women in the sector. She will be talking to us about what role diversity will play as we build our digital society, the impact of the UK Government’s introduction of mandatory gender pay reporting, how automation will impact progress in gender equality, what lessons can be learned from abroad, and how you as an investor can make a change in this space. Jacqueline is Chair of the Institute of Coding.

She sits as a Non-Executive Director on the Board of UK technology business Rightmove plc, as well as Costain plc, and technology consultancy and skill business FDM Group plc. She is passionate about diversity and inclusion and in 2018 she was awarded CBE for Services to International Trade and Technology. If you’re unsure if there needs to be change the statistics speak for themselves, only 2.7% of funding goes to female founders and women make up just 15% of angel investors in the UK.

Yet, female-led businesses generate double the return on investment, and a Board with just one woman can reduce the risk of bankruptcy by 20%. It is critical to encourage more women into the industry, and whilst the industry is moving in the right direction with a 45% growth in women starting businesses over the last decade, there is still a huge opportunity!