Partner Event - Introduction to categorical cybernetics

About the event


The term “categorical cybernetics” refers to two things: a general theory of categories of optics and related constructions, and a lot of specific examples. These tend to arise in topics that historically were called "cybernetics" (before that term drifted beyond recognition) - AI, control theory, game theory, systems theory. Specific examples of "things that compose optically" are derivatives (well known as backprop), exact and approximate Bayesian inverses, payoffs in game theory, values in control theory and reinforcement learning, updates of data (the original setting for lenses), and updates of state machines. I'll do a gentle tour through these, emphasising their shared structure and the field we're developing to study it.


Speaker Bio

Jules Hedges is a lecturer at the University of Strathclyde, and co-founder of the CyberCat Institute. He is interested in applied category theory for microeconomics and machine learning