NES Digital Service: Health Data Science in NHS Scotland

NES Digital Service outline their work to the Bayes community

Geoff Huggins, Director of NDS

This month,  NES Digital Service (NDS), the team responsible for building a National Digital Platform for clinical data in Scotland, were delighted to give a seminar at the Bayes Centre on the work of the team and the progress already made within a year of its establishment.    

As a resident of the Bayes Centre, the team has quickly established itself as the driving force behind the Scottish Government’s ambition of having one electronic patient record that can be accessed by both appropriate health and care staff and citizens.

Geoff Huggins, Director of NDS, highlighted the agile methodology of the team, its background and the development of its first products, namely a digital version of the ‘ReSPECT’ process which will help people choose their treatment in an emergency if they are unable to communicate.  

The team’s start-up mentality is to work quickly and iteratively, testing and improving on products as they progress. 

If you’re interested in working for a team that will ultimately improve health and social care, please get in touch

Geoff Huggin’s presentation at the seminar will be available online.

Read Rohan Gunatillake, Head of Product blog on The Role of Good Service Design in Healthcare Technology.