[23/02/23] Bayes Centre News: The Bayes Centre is launching a call for the first Bayes Innovation Fellows cohort

The Bayes Centre is recruiting a select group of early-career academics, chosen for their potential to benefit from individual coaching and funding, in pursuit of research commercialisation. This programme is ideally suited to colleagues who demonstrate clearly articulated translational potential but as of yet have had limited real-world opportunities.


Bayes Innovation Fellows decorative image

The Bayes Centre is launching a call for the first Bayes Innovation Fellows cohort.

We are recruiting a select group of early-career academics, chosen for their potential to benefit from individual coaching and funding, in pursuit of research commercialisation. This programme is ideally suited to colleagues who demonstrate clearly articulated translational potential but as of yet have had limited real-world opportunities.

Successful applicants will receive a suite of training and guidance, funding, and exposure to parts of the institution involved in research commercialisation that wouldn’t normally be accessible this early in their careers. To ensure those who join the programme have sufficient time to participate there will be a time buyout 0.2 FTE from their home Schools.

The programme will last one academic year and successful applicants will be provided with £5-£10K of seed funding to support their stated translational activities. Upon completion of the Bayes Innovation Fellows programme, and where beneficial, colleagues may be integrated into the established Venture Builder Incubator and AI Accelerator programmes. Other routes to IP commercialisation such as licensing, contract research, and industry partnerships will be explored when more appropriate. 

The Bayes Innovation Fellows programme is intended to:

  • Develop the translational mindset of academic colleagues, promoting the entrepreneurial and innovation activities that The Bayes Centre provides
  • Build interdisciplinary leadership potential
  • Further strengthen our interface with private and public sector collaborators
  • Continue to promote our ambition to grow multi-disciplinary opportunities
  • Build awareness of opportunities associated with the University’s Data-Driven Innovation programme
  • Impact teaching and curriculum development via the adoption of case studies

The first cohort is expected to join the programme at the start of the 2023/24 academic year. If you are interested in becoming a Bayes Centre Innovation Fellow please attend our information session on the 7th of March. To apply to attend either in-person or online click the link below:

Bayes Centre Innovation Fellows Information Session

All applications to join the programme must be submitted by – 24/03/23. Once you are ready to apply please fill out this form:

Apply to Become a Bayes Centre Innovation Fellow