Partner event: From the Brain to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Back Again

Event Details

Each seminar is different, but a typical pattern is for each of the speakers to talk for about 20-25 minutes, and then open up for discussion with the audience which, over the past two years, has been very stimulating. Seminars start at 4 pm and end at 6 pm.

Chaired by Jean-Benoit Falisse (EFI), Jane McKie (EFI) and Richard Morris (Edinburgh Neuroscience and EFI Affiliate),  we offer you a couple of hours of interesting debate and discussion. The opening speakers are Professor Terry Sejnowski (The Salk Institute, La Jolla) and Professor Michael Rovatsos (The Bayes Institute, Edinburgh).

Dr. Sejnowski is one of the pioneers of an approach to artificial intelligence called “deep learning” which is inspired by the way networks in the brain may compute. Although not his own software, an example of this approach is “Google Translate”. He has worked extensively with the Edinburgh graduate, Geoffrey Hinton (of the University of Toronto and Google), and over his career, has accumulated numerous honors and awards. These include Fellowship of the National Academy of Sciences (USA). He wrote “The Computational Brain” with the philosopher Pat Churchland and more recently “The Deep Learning Revolution”.

Dr. Rovatsos is Professor of Artificial Intelligence in the School of Informatics and Director of the Bayes Centre. He is also the University Lead for the University of Edinburgh at the Alan Turing Institute, the UK's National Institute for Data Science and AI. As a researcher, he is part of the Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute (AIAI) at Informatics and has served as a former Director of it. After initial research on enabling agents learn optimal interaction strategies when using structured communication languages, he has more recently been focused on multiagent systems, with a focus on the development of ethical and responsible AI algorithms.

Please note, joining instructions to the online platform to watch this seminar will be communicated the day of the event. The seminar will also be recorded and the recording may be used in future.