Partner Event - Robotics in a sustainable world: accelerating or hindering?

About this Event

Join the National Robotarium on 30th of June for this event focused on developing robotics for a more sustainable world. Sponsored by SICSA. 

The rECOver group focuses on identifying and developing robotics as a sustainable technology and their potential contribution to a more sustainable world while identifying and working to overcome the social and economic implications associated with their integration by closing the gap between domestic and international policymakers and industrial partners.

The rECOver group comprises of a unique combination of cross discipline researchers including scientists, lawyers, sociologists and engineers.

Initially, rECOver is seeking to initiate conversation and collaboration among scientists, engineers, policymakers and social scientists to analyse the use of robotics in mineral acquisition for and recycling of sustainable or ‘green’ technologies by combining both techno-economic and socio-political analysis.

The nature of the challenges being addressed are inherently interdisciplinary and require substantive input and engagement across disciplinary divides. It is recognised and understood that cross-disciplinary and inter-sectoral involvement is essential from the beginning to allow design and innovation output to be optimised. The most effective and necessary method of achieving this within a multidisciplinary ecosystem is to first develop a shared understanding of the key questions, challenges and opportunities in each discipline in order to develop an understanding of the complex interplay of policy and technology.

This ‘Collider Event’ will bring together these sectors into a multidisciplinary group of experts to engage in discussions that will identify and draw out key principles and issues that should be addressed when using robotics for sustainability and focus on questions such as:

•Robotics in a sustainable world: are they accelerating or hindering the objectives?

•Can the increased use of robotics for sustainable mining affect the critical material supply?

•How does the contribution of robotic technology affect the transition to a circular economy?

•How can potential negative socio-economic or political impacts of robotics use be mitigated?


Find out more and register here.