Pop-Up Inclusion Matters Seminar Series: Micro-aggressions Project

This presentation will report on the process of developing and producing a series of resources for academic teaching staff to help recognise and combat microaggressions. These were produced through literature review and focus groups/interviews with students, which shaped the resources and provided illustrative quotes. Three resources covering racial microaggressions, sexuality-based microaggressions and microaggressions against trans and/or non-binary people were produced. The presentation will outline the process and the way the students’ lived experiences shaped the form and messages of each resource. The differences in the three resources will also be shared to highlight the particular challenges faced by each group.

These resources were developed for the University of Edinburgh by Rayya Ghul from the Institute of Academic development. Full details of the resource can be found here.

Note: this project is not directly part of the EPSRC Inclusion Matters programme but has involved collaboration with the Evidence Base project manager.