Bayes Forum

This series of seminars have been created to showcase presentations on existing Beacon projects that are part of the Beacon Programme, with a focus on supporting opportunities to innovate and for entrepreneurial businesses, students, staff at the University and beyond to develop their ideas, build skills, scale up and connect their ideas to the world to make a real world impact.

The Format

12:15 – Welcome – Prof Michael Rovatsos , Director of Bayes Centre

12:17 – Project Overview - Professor Sean Smith, Director - Centre for Future Infrastructure, Edinburgh Futures Institute

12:20 - Adaption & Renewal of Edinburgh City Centre economy – transformation and planning of infrastructure through Data & Digital Twinning - Chris Dent

12:30 - A Policy and Strategy tool for 20-minute neighbourhoods in the Edinburgh City-Region - Dan Van der Horst & Matthew Lane

12:40 - Data-Driven Decision Support in tourism, culture and hospitality - Gordon Ross & Joshua Ryan-Saha

12:50 – Comfort Break

12:55 - Digital Twin of SE Scotland Manufacturing Supply Chains - Andrew Sherlock & Jonathan Corney

13:05 - Edinburgh Collaborative Satellite Data Platform - Mathew Williams

13:15 - Earth Observation Data Platform - Encarni Medina-Lopez

13:25 – Vote of Thanks

13:30 - Close