Member News: Growing International Diversity of Fintech SMEs in Scotland

Fintech has accelerated as a global innovation movement during the pandemic and Scotland is making a positive contribution to this force of change in the digital economy.

image of a pie chart indicating the numbers

Bayes Centre member, Fintech Scotland, has confirmed that the number of international fintech SMEs in the SME community has grown by over 40% over the past twelve months, complementing the growth of local start-up and growth enterprises.

In recent months companies such as YayPay and Pace AP  from the USA,  WeFund from Australia and Pulse Market from Ireland have become part of the growing Fintech Scotland community.

The diverse origination of the international SMEs in Scotland’s Fintech community is highlighted by the visual to the right.

This growing global influence in the Scotland fintech community was a key theme of this year’s Fintech Festival which concluded last Thursday its four-week programme of sixty plus events, innovation meet-ups and conferences.

The Festival included FinTech Scotland’s collaboration with Scottish Development International and UK Department for International Trade Festival to host events with enterprises in Australian, USA and Asia to highlight inward investment and export opportunities.

The global fintech opportunities was also one of the themes discussed at the ‘Accelerating UK FinTech Conference’ hosted by FinTech Scotland last week, with presentations from Fintech leaders across the UK including Ron Kalifa, Regional bodies and Government Ministers.

FinTech Scotland used the conference to release a “Building a Global Fintech Cluster” prospectus (brochure) to further build on the momentum driving fintech innovation and collaboration.

Commenting, the Executive Chair of Fintech Scotland, Stephen Ingledew said

“The ongoing collaboration of inspiring FinTech leaders will enable us grasp the global innovation opportunities and the UK wide conference in Glasgow was an ideal opportunity to demonstrate this with colleagues and friends from all corners of our country”

Stephen Ingledew
Executive Chair of Fintech Scotland

Commenting on the FinTech Scotland Festival, CEO of FinTech Scotland Nicola Anderson said,

‘This year’s festival has reinforced the dynamism, breadth, and capability of fintech innovation in Scotland. We were privileged to be joined by so many fintech and industry leaders sharing experiences, knowledge and opportunities. We’re looking to more collaboration and to supporting the digital and green economy through continued fintech innovation.’

Nicola Anderson
CEO of FinTech Scotland


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Fintech Scotland