EIE partners with Scotland’s Green Innovation and Investment Showcase during COP26

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, has brought together parties from around the world to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

On Wednesday 3rd of November, it was “Finance Day” at the COP26 summit – highlighting ways in which investment can tackle environmental issues.

During this day, EIE partnered with Scottish Enterprise for Scotland’s Green Innovation and Investment Showcase. The event was attended by an international group of investors as well as climate and clean tech businesses, who are pursuing investment opportunities.

The event placed Scotland at the forefront for climate innovation and investment initiatives. The First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, and the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, provided keynote addresses, explaining the ways in which investors can support green technologies of the future.

During the session run by EIE, an insight was offered into Scotland’s investment ecosystem, with detailed presentations from some of the EIE’s alumni, who are among the country’s most innovative green companies, both looking at their journey so far and the road ahead.

The company showcase featured EIE alumni Celtic Renewables, Sunamp, Spire Global and Intelligent Growth Solutions Ltd, who have all gone on to obtain significant investment and are looking towards worldwide growth in the future.

Mark Simmers, CEO Celtic Renewables, discussed the contribution EIE has made for start-up companies.


“The ecosystem in Scotland is great for start-up companies, with support from initiatives such as EIE”

Mark Simmers
CEO Celtic Renewables


There was also an investor panel discussion, including:

  • Chair: Kerry Sharp, Director Growth Investments, Scottish Enterprise
  • Pat Burtis, Partner, Amadeus Capital Partners Ltd
  • Greg Herrera, Senior Partner, Energy Ventures
  • Iain Watson, Managing Director, Climate Tech Capital Partners
  • Jason Mraz, Managing Partner, Ospraie Ag Science

The panel of investor experts discussed the need to accelerate the financing of sustainable projects and opportunities. They also described the role the presenting companies and other innovative start-ups will have in the race to net zero.

Jenny Donnellan, Director of Policy at the British Business Bank, provided brief insight into the recently released report, ‘Smaller businesses and the transition to net zero’ and discussed how SME’s are facing the challenge of reducing their carbon footprint.

EIE will shortly open applications for its next cohort to take part in the Investor Readiness Programme, to pitch to investors at the EIE Conference in 2022.


Book a ticket to Scotland’s Green Investment Showcase at COP26 (registration required) 

Scottish Enterprise: Scotland’s Climate Ambition Zone: online events programme

Spire Global


Celtic Renewables

Intelligent Growth Solutions Ltd