[09/11/23] Partner News: Interim Director appointed at Edinburgh Futures Institute

Edinburgh Futures Institute welcomes new Director, Professor Kev Dhaliwal to the role.

Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI) is delighted to share the news that Professor Kev Dhaliwal has been appointed as Interim Director of EFI. 

This appointment offers exciting new perspectives and opportunities for the interdisciplinary Futures Institute. I am grateful to Professor Dhaliwal who is stepping into this interim role at a key time with the opening of the building to staff, students and partners from across the University of Edinburgh and more widely in 2024.

Professor Sarah Prescott, Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Professor Dhaliwal is Professor of Molecular Imaging and Healthcare Technology at the Institute for Regeneration and Repair, Edinburgh BioQuarter and an NHS Consultant


Physician in Respiratory Medicine. He is the Co-director of Baillie Gifford Pandemic Science Hub. His particular interests are around interdisciplinarity and start-ups, and he is a member of the CodeBase board.

Collaborating widely with industry, he is an advocate of the need to work across scientific disciplines to innovate. He directs the Translational Healthcare Technologies Group with a focus on co-creating new technologies, early phase experimental medicine and team science.

 Professor Dhaliwal already has excellent connections with the Futures Institute, with our thematic work areas and programmes and with people and networks. In addition, he has a personal connection to our new home – as a medic who trained in the building when it was still a hospital.

I am very excited and humbled to be joining an amazing and incredible team at the Futures Institute. I am committed to working across multiple disciplines and EFI is a truly exciting space to do this, with a culture of placing people first, and ensuring the values of friendship, respect and support at the heart of all interactions with collaborators and partners. I am also coming back home to the beautiful Old Royal Infirmary, which has been transformed into a magical environment to learn, be creative and is open to all.

Professor Kev Dhaliwal, Professor of Molecular Imaging and Healthcare Technology

The appointment follows the announcement of the departure of the current Director, Professor Chris Speed, who is taking up a new role at the Melbourne Institute of Technology in the new year.

Timings for the interim appointment will be announced shortly. The University of Edinburgh will conduct a robust search for a permanent Director and further details will be shared in due course.

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