[05/03/24] Partner Event - Parameterized algebraic theories and applications

About the event


The framework of algebraic theories has proved successful for reasoning equationally about impure computation, such as state, nondeterminism, probabilistic choice. In this talk, I will review parameterized algebraic theories, an extension of algebraic theories that allows for binding. I will show how parameterized theories can be used to give an equational account of scoped effects, a class of effects that does not fit into the plain algebraic framework. Finally, I will sketch work in progress about axiomatizing dynamic creation of threads using parameterized theories.

Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 98501554

Passcode: 572449


Speaker Bio

Cristina is a postdoc at the University of Edinburgh working with Sam Lindley on the Effect Handler Oriented Programming project. Her interests include semantics of programming languages, types, categories. For Cristina’s PhD thesis, she worked on models of programming languages built using logical relations and sheaves.