[23/10/23] Bayes Centre News: The Bayes Centre marks its fifth anniversary

Bayes Centre celebrates its fifth anniversary.

The Bayes Centre opened five years ago by University of Edinburgh Chancellor Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal and has been a key part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal.

The Centre was the first of the University of Edinburgh's DDI Hubs and is the focal point for AI and Data Driven Innovation, with programmes including the Venture Builder Incubator, AI Accelerator, Bayes Innovation Fellows and the Data Upskilling Short Courses, all providing new ways for individuals and companies to access the University's expertise. 

Since its opening, the Bayes Centre has been at the forefront of the University’s DDI journey and made significant contributions to the Scottish Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, with the EIE investor conference noted for its significance. EIE is an eagerly anticipated event and will be returning in May 2024. 

The Bayes Centre has become an integral hub for supporting the development of world-leading technology as the heart of an ecosystem that delivers data-driven innovation in the University and region. Bayes has built a unique community of entrepreneurs, investors, start-ups and scale-ups, industry and academia, who have come together to deliver significantly, as can be seen in the highlights infographic below. 


Bayes Centre Director,  Professor Ruth King said:

Five years since the Bayes Centre opened its doors, it has been an interesting and exciting journey contributing to the University’s successful DDI initiative and to the Scottish Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. 

We would like to thank our staff, Members, Partners and community for their support throughout the last five years; and look forward to continuing to work with them driving forward the DDI innovation agenda for the next 5 years and beyond.




Advanced Investor Readiness 

AI Accelerator

Bayes Innovation Fellows 

Data Upskilling Short Courses 

Data Science, Technology and Innovation

Venture Builder Incubator