[27/06/23] Bayes Centre News: Chancellor's Fellowships - round 2 open

Highly prestigious five-year tenure track fellowships focused on innovative research.

Chancellor's Fellowship scheme

Building on our strong REF2021 results, the University of Edinburgh is supporting a major new investment in outstanding early career researchers. The University will be recruiting 30 new Chancellor’s Fellows: prestigious 5-year fellowships aimed at fostering cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and innovation, in a supportive environment.

As with our previous round of Chancellor’s Fellow appointments made in 2022, our aim is that at least 50% of the Chancellor’s Fellows appointments will be women and 20% will be individuals from black and minority ethnic groups. We also strongly encourage applications from other under-represented groups such as disabled candidates.

Chancellor's Fellows in the College of Science & Engineering

The Fellows will be recruited as a cohort and will be supported to achieve their research and leadership ambitions through mentoring and peer support. These provide talented ECRs with the networking and career development training opportunities to enable them to thrive as an academic at the University of Edinburgh

The College of Science and Engineering is seeking to appoint up to eighteen Chancellor’s Fellows who have a demonstrable track record, in research (with at least two years at postdoctoral level and which may include knowledge exchange, innovation and/or impact), and the potential to make a key contribution to the University through furthering the goals of the host School, College and University. Of these eighteen posts, we expect to appoint up to six each in the College priority themes:

  • AI and Datascience includes signature data and computing intensive research activities in all our Schools/EPCC, brought together within the data driven innovation programme, and driven by key innovation initiatives within the Bayes Centre.
  • Health and Life includes research and innovation activities at the interface of research and innovation activities with the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, with research activities across advanced health and care, therapeutics, and transformative life sciences research and technologies, from fundamental to applied.
  • Climate and Environmental Sustainability encompasses all parts of the sustainability spectrum, from transformative energy and resource efficient systems, new technologies, data-informed interventions, circular economies, planetary sustainability, social and environmental justice and geo-humanities. Much of this aligns with and feeds into development of the new Edinburgh Earth Initiative, as well as the University’s own business.


Closing date: 28 August 2023


Learn more about the Chancellor's Fellowship Scheme 


Chancellor's Fellows | The University of Edinburgh