Design Informatics Webinar - Anne Galloway, Wellington NZ

Kia ora. My name is Anne. I am a researcher and teacher. A child of the colonies and new settler. A shepherd and part of the flock. For this talk, I want to share a story about three lessons learnt from sheep, and how they have come to shape the way I approach critical and creative practice. Although researchers commonly share questions or results, I instead want to talk with you about values and different ways of knowing. And although researchers often seek to positively change the world, I want to focus on how I, and the lab I lead, have started with ourselves and how we work with others. And lastly, I want to invite you into conversation about how we might all face the coming years in ways that care for us all.

Dr Anne Galloway is a multispecies anthropologist, design ethnographer, and founder of the More-Than-Human Lab in Te Kura Hoahoa School of Design Innovation, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand. Anne’s research has been funded by the Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden Fund and the Association of Commonwealth Universities, and she publishes and speaks internationally on human-animal relations, ethnography and creative practice. Her latest published essay, “Flock”, can be found in Anthropocene Unseen: A Lexicon (Punctum Press).


Instagram: @annegalloway


Running Order

16.00 – Welcome by Chris Speed

16.05 – Talk by Anne Galloway

16.50 – Q&A

17.00 – End

* Please note that this webinar will be recorded*