1 Year Success

23 October marked one year since the Bayes Centre officially opened its doors.

Happy Birthday Bayes!

Over the last year Bayes has grown from strength to strength and that couldn't have been possible without the hard work of Bayes Partners, Members and staff.

Over the past 12 months Bayes has become a place where ideas are born - where we came up with a plan to develop a National AI strategy for Scotland, to establish an industry-led International Centre for Earth Data and a Living Lab for Space & Satellites, and to run the University's first accelerator for AI & blockchain start-ups, which will soon be graduating its second cohort.

Michael Rovatsos
Director, The Bayes Centre 


As part of our one year celebrations a number of our Members and Partners were invited to give a short presentation outlining their achievements and collaborations from the past year. Speakers included representatives from:

Bayes Director Michael Rovatsos welcomes guests to Bayes
Bayes Director Michael Rovatsos welcomes guests to Bayes
  • EPCC
  • ICMS
  • Informatics Ventures
  • The School of GeoSciences 
  • NES Digital Service 
  • Data Science, Technology and Innovation 
  • Viapontica
  • The Data Lab
  • The Edinburgh Centre for Robotics 
  • The School of Mathematics 
  • Sustainably 
  • CogniHealth
  • Design Informatics 
  • EIT Digital 

The Success of Bayes is not the success of the 10-20 people that run the facility and manage Bayes delivery of its mission in the Data-Driven Innovation programme, it is the success of the academic and industrial groups along with the students in the building and those engaged in Bayes-related activity across the University and the wider region. 

Michael Rovatsos
Director, The Bayes Centre 

Speakers and guests then attended our first ever Birthday party where they had the chance to network and enjoy the entertainment on offer including virtual reality gaming and edible balloons! View our gallery to see some of the best shots from the day!