Bayes Centre News: New MOOC seeks to explain the place of AI in society

A new Una Europa MOOC provided as a collaboration between the University, of Edinburgh, University of Helsinki and University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne has launched, to create critical awareness of the basics of Ai and it associated ethical issues.

Image of brain made from connective lines and data

The new AI in Society MOOC, created in collaboration with University of Helsinki and University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in the Una Europa alliance, will seek to address the increasing need for public awareness and understanding of AI. Data science and AI play an increasing role in society and pose difficult questions, including those relating to ethic and legal issues. 

In the course you will learn how AI technology functions within its societal context: how AI changes society and social practices, how it is used in institutional settings, and what kind of societal level promises and challenges this technology poses.

The course does not require previous knowledge on AI or any other issues. It is useful for students of any discipline, as well as anyone else who is interested in understanding the societal impact of AI and how AI technology is changing our everyday life.

There are no prerequisites for the course and as a MOOC it can be studied at the learners pace. It is ideal for students, civil servants, politicians and anyone seeking to gain a greater understanding of these difficult issues. 

The MOOC is based on the latest research into Data Science, AI and Social Sciences and has a flexible structure with optional modules in addition to the compulsary portions, which seek to match the needs and interests of the learners. 

Professor Michael Rovatsos is the Director of the Bayes Centre, Professor of Artificial Intelligence  in the School of Informatics and Deputy Vice Principal of Research. he will be contributing to the second module in the course, 'Ai and Values'.  

Educating the world about the impact of AI on society is an essential part of the University’s mission to use knowledge and technology for good. It’s great to see this course brings together the expertise of several partners in the UNA Europa network to provide a free online course in this important area!

Professor Michael Rovatsos
Director - The Bayes Centre



AI in Society MOOC

AI at Edinburgh