HPC-Europa3: EC funding for collaborative research visits using High Performance Computing

HPC-Europa3 funds short collaborative visits (maximum 13 weeks) for researchers in any area of computational science whose work can benefit from High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities

HPC-Europa pays travel expenses and a contribution to accommodation and living expenses. Visitors receive access to some of Europe’s most powerful HPC resources, as well as consultancy and support to help them make the best use of these.

Visitors work closely with a "host" research group working in a similar field of research. UK-based researchers can benefit from the programme either by visiting a research group in a participating country, or by hosting a visitor in their own group.

Academic and industrial researchers working in any EU member state or Associated State can apply. Visits can be made to research groups in Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK (but not the country in which they are currently working). A small number of places are also available for researchers from countries outside the EU and Associated States. 

The programme is open to researchers of all levels, from postgraduate students to the most senior professors.

Closing dates are held 4 times per year. The next closing date for applications is 19th September 2019.

For more information and to keep up to date with closing dates for applications and other project news, follow the project on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Any questions not answered by reading the webpage, including the guidelines for application can be sent to staff@hpc-europa.eu

Related links

Information about the host researchers currently associated with the programme

Further information on associated countries

On-line application

Application guidelines



EPCC at the University of Edinburgh co-ordinates the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme. EPCC is the UK’s leading centre for High Performance Computing and Data Analytics, and is based in the Bayes Centre.

HPC-Europa3 receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 730897.