Bayes Centre News: Applications Open for Turing Internship Network

The Alan Turing Institute partners with a wide range of organisations, the Bayes Centre is proud to be one of them and be able to promote their Turing Internship Network to our community.

Launched in 2020, the Turing Internship Network is a national engagement scheme between business partners and doctoral students across the UK who are studying any topic with a data science and/or AI focus.

The Turing's role is to facilitate the pairing of internship projects with talented doctoral students. The business partners host, supervise, and provide a salary for the successful interns.  

The Turing Internship Network provides a fantastic paid opportunity for students to apply their academic skills on real-world problems. In addition, a Turing internship provides students an excellent setting to expand their professional networks and to identify prospective employment opportunities following graduation.  

Internships are provided and hosted by the Turing Internship Network partner who requires data-driven academic expertise for their business challenges.  

Applications are now open and we encourage you to apply for this fantastic opportunity!


Working with industry is a great opportunity for PhD students to apply their skills to real-world problems and build relationships that might benefit their research. The Turing Internship Network provides access to a great network of partners that host internships, and will give our PhD students an opportunity to work with the UK’s National Institute for Data Science and AI.

Professor Michael Rovatsos
Director, Bayes Centre



In order to be eligible for a Turing internship, applicants must: 

  • Be a current doctoral student enrolled in a UK-based university  
  • Be studying for a PhD that heavily uses methods or concepts from mathematics, statistics, data science, computer science, AI, ethics and/ or technology 
  • Be in the active research phase of your studies – that is, applicants should have already finished their first year of project work (that excludes any taught time, such as a MRes year) 
  • Be able to pause their studies for the entire duration of the internship, unless the internship allows for part-time or flexible working 
  • Have significant programming experience and be confident in using relevant packages and toolboxes matched to the internship requirements. Most internships require knowledge of Python, however that may not always apply  
  • Have the right to work in the UK and be based in the UK for the entire duration of the internship 

Additional eligibility requirements may apply for specific internships


Key dates

  • 11 October 2021: Applications open
  • 8 November 2021: Applications close 
  • 19 November 2021: Decision outcomes sent out 
  • 22 November – 10 December 2021: Interviews take place
  • 13 – 24 December 2021: Internship offers sent out 
  • January – March 2022: Internships start 


Apply Now!


Related Links

The Alan Turing Institute

Turing Internship Network