Bayes Director of Education Teresa Ironside takes part in Women In Data campaign

Teresa Ironside, MBA took part in the Data-Driven Innovation Women in Data campaign.

The Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) Women in Data campaign aims to showcase the rich landscape of women working in data science, technology and innovation across a diverse range of industries, fields and sectors in the City Region. From students to government ministers, chief executives to lab technicians, their campaign captures the profiles of the Edinburgh region's women in data, tech related fields. 


It is a privilege to be involved in the Women in Data campaign within the Data Driven Innovation programme, which seeks to showcase the variety of ways women are involved with and making a difference in data science, technology and innovation across a broad range of industries and sectors. It has been inspiring to read the interviews of those involved and see all the different routes they've taken that have made such an impact on so many areas related to data science.

Teresa Ironside
Director of Education Bayes Centre


The aim of the campaign is to show women and girls that others 'just like them' are thriving in these areas, including from atypical and 'non-scientific' backgrounds. The campaign sheds light on their stories and talents, celebrates their historical and current roles, and supports long-term, critical conversations about the ongoing journey to gender equality. 


The Bayes Centre is proactively working with academic colleagues and industry to develop exciting new data science training opportunities while building on the strong existing portfolio of courses and programmes in this area within the University.

Teresa Ironside
Director of Education, Bayes Centre


Extract from Women in Data interview by Poppy Gerrard-Abbott


Tell us about your background and journey to your current role

Teresa Ironside Quote

My background is in administration management within higher education. I moved to Edinburgh from Canada in 2007 and have been working in the University of Edinburgh (UoE) for 12 years.

While nearing the end of my undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto, I worked in administrative roles within the University Health Network first within the Research Ethics Board then supporting research scientists (working with their students and lab members).

My first UoE role was in the Centre for Systems Biology in the School of Biological Sciences. I studies the MBA programme in the UoE Business School while working, graduating in 2012.

I've been working in the management of data science related education programmes for six years, first within the School of Informatics as Graduate School Manager during the launch of the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Data Science, then as Head of Student Services for the School, overseeing support for students from undergraduate level to PhD.

From 2015, I was Development Manager for Edinburgh Data Science Initiative, working across the University to foster collaboration and bring together data science activity. One of the major outputs of this initiative was the Data Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI) postgraduate online learning programme, which has courses contributed from academics units across the University. 

During this role, I split my time with a role as the Chief Operating Officer for the innovative Healthcare Delivery Programme (IHDP). Funded by the Scottish Government with operations based in the University, IHDP aims to change the way data and analytics are used to improve health outcomes by developing new relationships between the NHS, industry, academia and the third sector. 

Alongside my current role as College of Science and Engineering (CSE) Head of Online Learning Development, I am the Director of Education for the Bayes Centre, the University's data science and artificial intelligence hub for CSE as part of the City Region Deal Data Driven Innovation Programme (DDI). This role builds on the collaborative activity started within Edinburgh Data Science and I work with academic colleagues to develop innovative ways of delivering data science training. The Bayes Education Group stimulated, coordinates and partners in the development and delivery of education-related programmes and projects within DDI and is responsible for delivery of the talent objectives of the Bayes Business case.

In all of the roles I have undertaken, there have been elements that expand upon my previous roles and experience, along with the elements that were new and challenging.

Read the rest of the Women in Data interview with Teresa

Read more about the Data-Driven Innovation Women in Data project