A win in Paris

CEO of Cyan Forensics, Ian Stevenson, discusses the impact of attending EIE had on their start-up.

Cyan Forensics logo

Cyan Forensics is a start-up helping police investigators find evidence faster – replacing software that takes hours or days with software that gives results in minutes. By speeding up investigations into indecent images of children and terrorism, they are improving safety for all.

Cyan Forensics is delivering tools that place the investigative capability of cutting-edge digital forensic science into the hands of frontline policing. Their technology has been proven on-the-ground by international law enforcement, and builds on research from Edinburgh Napier University.

In an article posted on SalientPoint, Ian, discusses how the support received from Informatics Ventures had such a positive impact on the start-up.

Read the full article

Cyan Forensics Website

EIE 2020