University of Edinburgh Event: AI, Engineering Biology & Beyond

About the event

The programme will feature presentations on a range of topics:

  • Machine learning for metabolic engineering and bioproduction
  • AlphaFold and protein structure prediction
  • Deep learning for design of microbial communities
  • Large-scale biological data modelling
  • Technologies for high-throughput data acquisition



The workshop is free of charge but places are limited. Please complete the application form through the workshop website before 20 January 2023. 

We encourage early career attendees to present their work with short 10 min presentations. If you are interested in giving a talk, please include an abstract in the Application Form.

The workshop is funded by the Alan Turing Institute and will be held at the Informatics Forum, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh. The university is home to the Centre for Engineering Biology and the Edinburgh Genome Foundry with state-of-the-art automated facilities for high-throughput DNA assembly.

We look forward to welcoming you in Edinburgh.



Diego Oyarzún (U Edinburgh)

Thomas Gorochowski (U Bristol)

Christopher Barnes (UCL)