Partner event: Huawei Coffee House Tech Talk Series – May

About this event:

When: Tuesday 17 May 2022 at 11am (UK time).


Where (in person): Room G.03, Bayes Centre (47 Potterrow, Edinburgh EH8 9BT). First come first serve


Where (virtually): Zhumu link (,

everybody is welcome! You can access it from your own browser or Zoom app, without installing anything.


Speaker: Paul B. Levy (University of Birmingham)


Title: Introduction to Call-by-Push-Value


Abstract: Call-by-push-value (CBPV) is a form of typed lambda-calculus with computational effects that subsumes call-by-value (CBV) and call-by-name (CBN). It shows up across the full range of mathematical models for these paradigms, from operational and abstract machine semantics to denotational models using domains, possible worlds, continuations and games. And it closely corresponds to the notion of an adjunction, which is fundamental in category theory.

In this introductory talk, we first set the scene with a recap of simply typed lambda-calculus and its laws (known as beta and eta). Then we set out the CBPV typing rules and evaluation, using an example program. In the last part, we outline some denotational models and the encoding of CBV and CBN. The key distinction between values and computations will be apparent throughout the talk.


Brief speakers bio: Paul Blain Levy is a Reader in Theoretical Computer Science at the University of Birmingham. Best known for call-by-push-value, he works on operational, denotational, categorical and game semantics of programming languages and effects. Sometimes he works more broadly in category theory, co-algebra, set theory and the philosophical foundations of mathematics. He does not take subject boundaries too seriously and loves to tell people about the connections between different fields.

The Tech Talk lecture series is a part of the Huawei Coffee House offering.