Could you answer a Creative Informatics Challenge Project?

Creative Informatics are looking for individuals and SMEs working in Edinburgh and South East Scotland that have the skills to provide data-driven solutions to Challenge Projects set by six leading creative and cultural organisations.

National Theatre of Scotland, Edinburgh Science, Pianodrome, Children’s Parliament, Vintage Vibes, and The Big Light were selected as Challenge Holders in the third round of Creative Informatics Challenge Projects.

Funding of up to £20,000 is now available to successful Challenge Respondents who will retain part or all of the intellectual property for their work, enabling them to commercialise any products or services they produce.

Application for Challenge Respondents are open now and close on Monday 28 September. If you are interested in applying to be a Challenge Respondent, sign up for the CI Challenge Holder Q&A online event, taking place from 10am – 12noon on Wednesday 2 September.

The Challenges

National Theatre of Scotland’s challenge is to use their production data from the last 14 years to map their touring activity and create a new tool that will enable NTS and others within the theatre sector to make informed decisions when planning tours in the future.

The Big Light, a new Scottish podcast network founded by broadcaster Janice Forsyth and producer Fiona White, want to utilise the data they produce to create added value for their business and their listeners, through improving their existing data processes and developing personalised user experiences that deepen user engagement with their content.

Pianodrome CIC, creators of the world’s first amphitheatre made entirely from upcycled pianos, want to find a technological solution that will enable live performances to happen concurrently in a ‘Pianopticon’ network of custom built amphitheatres across the world.

Children’s Parliament are looking for a Challenge Respondent that can unlock the value of the wide ranging data they hold, supporting them on their journey to implement children's rights in Scotland by communicating the positive outcomes of their work in a way that engages new audiences and increases awareness of their activity.

Vintage Vibes’ challenge is to develop a digital training and communication platform that complements their face-to-face activity. They want to find an innovative solution that encompasses the positivity, inclusivity and sense of community involved in their existing work, adding real value to their volunteer experience. Edinburgh Science would like their Challenge Respondent to create a fun,

interactive experience that encourages audiences to make a donation when attending events. Full briefs for all Challenge Projects can be viewed on the Creative Informatics website, along with information about how to apply as a Challenge Respondent. Creative Informatics is an ambitious research and development programme based in Edinburgh, supporting the creative industries to do inspiring things with data. The programme is delivered by the University of Edinburgh, in partnership with Edinburgh Napier University, Codebase and Creative Edinburgh.

Creative Informatics is funded by the Creative Industries Clusters Programme managed by the Arts & Humanities Research Council as part of the Industrial Strategy, with additional support from the Scottish Funding Council. The programme is part of the City Region Deal Data Driven Innovation initiative.

If you would like information about any Round 3 Challenge Projects, contact the Creative Informatics team at Find out more: