Bayes Centre News: Two Edinburgh academics appointed to coordinate new Turing Interest Groups.

Two academics from the University of Edinburgh have been appointed to coordinate new Turing Interest Groups.

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The Turing Interest groups have been designed to allow researchers to gather around shared topics of interest in data science and AI, with the aim to share ideas and knowledge and spark new ideas for collaborations and projects. 

We are delighted to announce that two Edinburgh academic colleagues, Vaishak Belle and Oisin Mac Aodha, have been appointed to coordinate new Turing Interest Groups.

The academics, their respective schools, and more information on the interest groups can be viewed below.

Academic  School Interest Group
Vaishak Belle   School of Informatics

Neuro-symbolic AI

Oisin Mac Aodha School of Informatics  Biodiversity, Monitoring and Forecasting

Vaishak Belle  will be leading an Interest Group on Neuro-symbolic AI – AI research that aims to combine classical rule-based/logic approaches with modern deep learning techniques. His co-organiser is Efi Tsamoura from Samsung AI Cambridge.

Oisin Mac Aodha will be leading an Interest Group on Biodiversity Monitoring and Forecasting. By leveraging the expertise of the Turing network and co-developing with stakeholders, the objective is to catalyse and champion the development of new AI and data-driven methods for the monitoring and forecasting of biodiversity change. The group is co-organised by Aleksander Domanski (University of Bristol), Laura Graham (University of Birmingham), Luisa Orsini (University of Birmingham), and Axel Rossberg (Queen Mary University of London).


For more information visit the institute website, or contact the Turing Institute University Liaison Manager for Edinburgh, Neil McGillivray, to learn more about how to engage with the Alan Turing Institute.

Get in touch with Neil McGilllivray