[02/ 10/ 23] The Bayes Centre welcomes a new Member: Central Asia Creative Hub

The Bayes Centre is pleased to welcome the Central Asia Creative Hub (CACH) as its newest
community member. Supported by the Creative Informatics Inclusive Innovation Working
Spaces Fund, the CACH will be proudly hosted by the Bayes Centre until February 2024.

Meet the founder of CACH, Bibigul Makazhanova, a seasoned graphic designer and digital marketing professional with over 15 years of experience. She is passionately dedicated to building a vibrant community of creatives who collaborate and support one another.

Meet the founder: Bibigul Makazhanova

Bibigul Makazhanova
Bibigul Makazhanova

Upon relocating to Edinburgh from Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, I was profoundly motivated to establish what is now known as the Central Asia Creative Hub (CACH). The inception of CACH was deeply intertwined with my personal journey, marked by the challenges and adaptations that come with relocating to a new country. The impetus behind CACH was a noticeable absence of Central Asian representation in the global cultural scene. This ambitious project found fertile ground in the rich creative landscape of Scotland, a region steadfastly committed to nurturing diversity and inclusivity within its creative community. My primary objective is to bridge the gap between Central Asian artists and Edinburgh's vibrant cultural scene, facilitating cross-cultural exchange and showcasing the remarkable talent of this region.

During my tenure at the Bayes Centre, my primary focus will be the creation of an online networking platform. This platform will cater to creative professionals and practitioners who share a deep commitment to promoting Central Asian culture.

Our hub welcomes individuals from diverse disciplines, encompassing artists, designers, musicians, writers, and various cultural practitioners. We have ambitious plans to provide an array of resources and opportunities. These will include online events, workshops, and exhibitions, all aimed at fostering cross-cultural exchange and understanding.

Furthermore, as a proud member of the Bayes Centre, which serves as Scotland's core for advancements in data science and AI, I am enthusiastic about exploring innovative approaches to amplify the cultural representation of Central Asia. This endeavour will involve the integration of digital innovation and VR technologies.

At present, I am diligently gathering information about Edinburgh's major festivals. This effort is part of my commitment to develop a tailor-made guide specifically designed for Central Asian artists. The guide will encompass interviews, step-by-step instructions, and essential insights, making it a valuable point of reference for upcoming opportunities.



We extend an invitation to those interested in becoming a member of the Central Asia Creative Hub website. Register now to join our community for networking, promotion, idea exchange, and more. If you share a passion for Central Asia and its rich cultural heritage, our platform provides the ideal space to connect, collaborate, and exchange knowledge. Together, we aspire to enhance our appreciation and understanding of the diverse cultures and artistic traditions of Central Asia.

Visit our website to find out more.