Partner Event - Building Accelerators – An Opinionated View

About this Event


Rene will give perspective on building accelerators "from the trenches" based on earlier work at IBM Research Almaden where he was involved in the productization of DB2 BLU, a software-based accelerator, as well as research activities around FPGA- and GPU-based hardware-accelerators for analytical processing.  Rene also reports on some of the GPU-based acceleration he resumed later while at NVIDIA. More often than not, the accelerators were not successful, at least commercially. The reasons, however, were usually not entirely technical. Nevertheless, the future for hardware-acceleration looks bright, considering developments in the cloud. While many of the topics discussed may be controversial, he hopes to share some of the lessons learned from industry.


Speaker Bio

Rene Mueller joined the Huawei in June 2020 from NVIDIA Switzerland where he was a Senior AI Developer Technology engineer working on RAPIDS, optimizations for DL/AI and creating a polyglot binding for GPUs, grCUDA. Rene was a Research Staff Member in the database group at IBM Almaden between 2010 and 2017. At IBM he was working on HW-acceleration for OLAP database systems, as well as on the Wildfire-HTAP and BLU projects. He was a performance architect for DB2 BLU. He returned to Switzerland, as a full professor for business intelligence at the University of Applied Science Bern. Rene obtained his PhD in computer science from ETH Zurich in 2010 on stream processing in wireless sensors networks and FPGAs. Rene's research interests are system aspects for AI and information management, runtime systems, and just-in-time code generation.