Earlston High School

Bayes was delighted to host a group of around 35 Highers/Advanced Higher pupils from Earlston High School on 27th June

In collaboration with the School of Mathematics, the pupils heard presentations on the wide range of possibilities that lie ahead with a career in Mathematics, AI, and some of the applications of maths in interesting technical and data science problems.

Dr Michael Rovatsos, Director of the Bayes Centre, gave a tour of the building and provided further information on the companies based within the Centre and some of the innovative work taking place.

Our visit to Edinburgh University today was energising and enlightening. Our pupils got a real sense of the wide range of further study and future careers that maths can lead to. It was fantastic to see the Bayes Centre and hearing about some of the innovative and creative projects being worked on. Michael and Francesca gave our pupils a valuable insight into deeper thinking beyond the maths that they're currently studying and they have had their eyes opened to the possibilities that lie ahead

Teacher, Earlston High School

At the Bayes Centre, engaging with young people in the region is an essential part of our outreach strategy, not only to attract them to STEM careers, but also to support their development and aspirations for becoming tomorrow's leaders in data science, AI, and related disciplines.

It was fun as I was able to learn at a higher level, in a way that I was able to understand, in a subject that I enjoy. The trip gave me the opportunity to see what learning at University would be like and gave me the chance to get an insight into the different courses that are available to me

Pupil, Earlston High School

The experience gave me a new understanding about the possibility for jobs for those taking maths degrees and the experience showed me the interesting and developing world of AI and robotics.  Overall it was very enjoyable

Pupil, Earlston High School
Earlston High School tour