Usher Institute Annual Lecture and Showcase 2020

We are delighted to be welcoming Dr Jeannie Shoveller, Vice President Research and Innovation, IWK Health Centre, Halifax, Canada to speak to us on the topic of Health sciences in a changing world: Where to from here?


A pandemic of COVID-19 infection and associated health, social and economic sequelae, coincident with worldwide calls for social justice, equity and diversity – 2020 indeed offers a changing world for the health sciences. As health scientists grapple with unprecedented challenges in the face of rapidly evolving structural and operational contexts, many also are lifting their heads to consider the broader horizon and asking “where to from here?” As the COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated, science, particularly the health sciences, can unite or divide society. Fault lines also are being exposed within the scientific community itself, as an underlying competitive ethos continues to bubble – whether in the search for a “Thousand Talents” or the push towards “Endless Frontiers”. The capacity for a wide range of science, including social sciences and humanities scholarship, to also strengthen collaboration and to foster trust within and across societies also requires examination, if we are to realize the potential benefits of health sciences in an equitable and just manner. Professor Shoveller will discuss potential future directions, including efforts to level the scientific playing field and initiatives that recognize equity issues as integral to excellence in scientific pursuits – offering perspectives of where we might go from here and potential implications for transforming health in society.

The Annual Lecture will be preceded by a showcase of work in COVID-19 research from across the Usher Institute.
