
Meet Practable.


Practable is a cloud-based remote laboratory system that provides real-time interactivity with real equipment at a distance, using a web-browser. Our core offering is services and consultancy relating to helping others access, host and/or customise our open source eco-system, ranging from subscriptions to access existing experiments through to turn-key systems with custom experiments.

The Team

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Timothy Drysdale

Andrew Brown

Imogen Heard

David Reid

Sijie Zhou

About Us 

Timothy Drysdale is the Chair of Technology Enhanced Science Education and Director of Strategic Digital Education in the School of Engineering. In his spare time, he rides motorbikes. Andrew Brown is a Specialist Technical Officer (Mechanical Design) and has won three international World Rally Championships as part of the engineering team. Imogen Heard is a Specialist Technical Officer (Electronics Design) and has various interests in live music, which include at least some punk. David Reid is nearing the end of his PhD in remote laboratories, while Sijie Zhou is just starting hers.


Access to practical work in education at all levels is often restricted by real estate limitations.


Remote laboratories provide practical work 150x more cost-effectively than traditional teaching laboratories, increase the aesthetic appeal of public spaces, and provide new educational opportunities to address external challenges faced by the education sector.


Continuing professional development in industry, STEM education provision in higher, further, secondary and primary school, research dissemination for universities, research institutes, and industry.


Tim Drysdale LinkedIn

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