
FCLabs wearable neurotech empowers people to measure and manage their mental fitness and wellbeing for the first time, in the same way smartwatches do for their physical wellbeing.



Mental fitness fluctuates all the time, for all sorts of reasons, but can have catastrophic impacts on workplace health & safety, productivity and profitability, particularly in high risk sectors such as construction, engineering, energy and logistics. Human error is a factor in almost all workplace accidents, the cause of 93% of road traffic collisions and 23% of unplanned downtime. Mental health is the main cause of days off work and there are 2 suicides in UK construction every day.


FCLabs’ first product, CoreTech, allows individuals, teams and businesses to measure and manage mental fitness and wellbeing. Simple, user-friendly insights identify and predict risk, making an invisible problem visible for the first time, removing the reliance on self-assessment and self-reporting. CoreTech’s data supports decisions, actions and interventions to improve worker safety and wellbeing, as well as improve productivity, quality, compliance and sustainability.



Our initial focus are high risk, ‘hard hat’ markets such as construction, engineering, manufacturing, energy and logistics (almost a quarter of the global workforce).


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